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Popular rehydration drinks and their benefits

Popular rehydration drinks and their benefits

Hydration is critical for good health. While water is a popular choice for staying hydrated, one can also drink specific beverages and juices. Besides maintaining the body’s fluid levels, these rehydration drinks provide energy, keep toxins at bay, support one’s internal organs, and offer a range of other advantages. Rehydration drinks can be either natural or manufactured. Below are a few popular rehydration drinks one can consider and their benefits.

Popular rehydration drinks
The following are a few rehydration drinks that have a range of benefits for everyone, whether kids, adults, or seniors. However, one must consult an expert to determine which option is safe and best for them:

This is arguably the best rehydration agent after water. Milk is packed with healthy and enriching nutrients. For instance, it contains loads of calcium and vitamin D that nourish one’s bones, eyesight, digestive system, and other body parts. Moreover, it is incredibly refreshing and can keep people hydrated for hours. Milk is universally adored and can be consumed by kids as well as adults and seniors.

Fruit juices
Fruit juices contain about 85% water, making them an excellent rehydrating drink. However, they do much more than just provide the body with fluids. Juices contain several beneficial nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants derived from the fruits from which they are made. Moreover, kids love them since they can be prepared from different tasty fruits. However, fruit juices may be sweet, meaning those with blood glucose issues must avoid them. In fact, even healthy individuals should keep away from recipes extremely high in sugar. Experts recommend reading the label of packaged fruit juices and avoiding those with sweeteners. People can also water down these drinks to keep the threat of high blood sugar at bay.

Coconut water
Coconut is technically a fruit, making coconut water a kind of fruit juice. However, it contains unique properties not found in regular fruits. For instance, it possesses about 95% water, making it a superior rehydrating agent to fruit juices. Coconut also contains a load of minerals and vitamins that maintain the electrolytic balance in one’s body and keep the pH levels in check.

Green tea
Starting the day without a hot and refreshing cup of tea is almost a sacrilege for many. While one may reach for different variants of the beverage, experts often recommend green tea. Besides helping restore the body’s fluid levels, green tea destroys harmful toxins. Consequently, drinking a cup after a heavy, calorie-filled, toxin-ridden meal can help minimize adverse health effects. Moreover, unlike conventional tea, green tea does not contain high sugar levels, which can spike blood glucose.

Electrolyte drinks
Electrolyte drinks restore the levels of essential vitamins and minerals in a person’s body. They also ensure one’s pH balance is closer to 7 (perfectly neutral; neither acidic nor basic). While one can consume electrolyte drinks at any time of the day, many have them after exercises or workout sessions. Electrolyte drinks or sports drinks are available in several brands, so individuals must research and choose wisely.

Benefits of rehydration drinks
Rehydration drinks come with a whole range of health benefits, some of which include:

Improved detoxification
Toxins often accumulate in a person’s blood after eating unhealthy foods or due to specific chemical reactions within the body. Either way, they can affect the functioning of one’s organs and increase the risk of illnesses. The water content in rehydration drinks helps dilute the toxins and cleanse the body. In that sense, they are just as essential for health as consuming nutrient-filled foods.

Kidney regulation
Rehydration is vital as it helps keep the kidneys healthy and fully functional. The kidneys help filter waste products from a person’s body. When dehydrated, the organ finds it hard to handle and eliminate these waste elements. Consequently, it works harder to perform this job. If the body does not receive water quickly, a person is at an increased risk of kidney-related ailments, including kidney failure, which can be hard to manage.

Healthier heart
Drinking sufficient fluids maintains the water levels of a person’s blood. When the blood is perfectly fluid, the heart does not have to work extra to facilitate circulation throughout the body. On the other hand, if a person’s blood is thick and lacks adequate water, their circulation is seriously disrupted. As the blood flow slows down in such cases, the heart must work extremely hard to sustain blood flow to all body parts. Consequently, poor hydration can lead to heart failure and other cardiovascular issues.