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Outdoor LED signs – Benefits, features, and buying tips

Outdoor LED signs – Benefits, features, and buying tips

Outdoor advertising has always been a major part of advertising strategies, and it continues to reign even with the introduction of online campaigns. But with time, the landscape of outdoor advertising has also evolved. Today, LED signages are fast replacing traditional ones, increasing the prospects considerably for advertisers. These signages perfectly integrate innovation with old-school advertising and have become integral to advertising strategies for many top brands from different sectors.

Benefits of outdoor LED signs

1. High brightness levels
Outdoor LED displays have high brightness levels, so they are visible at all times, even on bright and sunny days. This makes them an excellent outdoor advertising strategy.

2. Option to display many ads on a single screen
Unlike static billboards, wherein only one image can be displayed on a screen, multiple ads can be displayed on LED screens. Advertisers may also choose to change these ads based on the target group, the time of day, etc. So, LED displays save time and effort and can be used to appeal to a wider audience.

3. Energy efficiency
Another significant benefit of outdoor LED advertising is that it reduces energy consumption. LEDs typically consume less energy than neon and incandescent bulbs.

4. Durability
Outdoor LED signage can last as long as ten years. But maintenance is the key because they are susceptible to factors like humidity and salt levels in the air. Also, these displays almost never require full light intensity, so their longevity is quite high.

5. Increased engagement with audiences
Since LED signage can be made with a touchscreen, it enables audience interactions in a way that’s not possible with traditional billboards. As a result, brands utilizing outdoor LED signs can facilitate fun games, interactive quizzes, surveys, etc., with their target groups.

6. Weather resistance
These displays are engineered to withstand snow, strong winds, rains, and other turbulent weather conditions. So, they may be set up in any location where the target groups frequent.

7. Ability to attract target groups instantly
Advertisers can innovate to no end with outdoor LED signages. The more unconventional and innovative an advertising strategy is, the more likely it will attract the target audience’s attention. Sometimes, an outdoor LED sign can be so convincing that the buyer might end up making an instant purchase.

Features of outdoor LED signages

1. Vibrant content displays
Unlike traditional billboards and displays, outdoor LED signs have the potential to showcase more innovative, vibrant content, which makes them immensely appealing to target groups.

2. A blend of three colors
Although outdoor LED signages can typically depict billions of colors, they are generated using only three colors—red, blue, and green. These colors are mounted in a fixed pattern on the display’s circuit boards. The intensity of the diodes is then adjusted to display specific colors and shades of one’s choice.

3. Different resolution criteria
One can select different display resolutions depending on the distance from which the target group would view it. Low-resolution displays lend themselves to distant viewing, whereas high-resolution ones cater to closer viewing. The distance between the different diodes on the display determines the display’s resolution.

Things to remember when choosing an outdoor LED signage

1. Consider marketing objectives
Each company may have a different marketing goal, and advertising strategies should be based on fulfilling these objectives. For example, some brands may want to aggressively push sales turnovers, while others might focus more on brand awareness and reputation. One should clearly convey such objectives to the digital signage provider before the signage is made. This way, one can ensure it aligns with the brand’s broad objective.

2. Look for multiple hardware options
Sometimes, signage providers may offer bulk deals with only specific default hardware as part of the package. But companies should also explore other hardware options to understand which works best for them. So, it’s a good idea to look for outdoor LED signage providers who offer multiple hardware options.

3. Pay attention to content
Regardless of how advanced technology becomes, content will always remain king. That’s why one’s focus should never waiver from content, even when creating outdoor LED signage. An expert content team should be employed to think outside the box and create content that stands out on the LED signage.

4. Consider scalability
As a company grows, so will its advertising requirements. So, when choosing an outdoor LED sign provider, one should consider scalable solutions that can help the brand expand its advertising strategies to wider audiences and in different locations. One should also look for multiple size options for the outdoor LED signage so that they may be displayed in various outdoor settings, as per the requirements.