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Managing Mental Health – Important Things to Consider

Managing Mental Health – Important Things to Consider

Mental health is a broad term that involves emotional, social, and psychological well-being. It encompasses more than just the absence of mental disorders; it affects how people think, feel, perform, and handle stress. It also lets people realize their full potential, helping them learn and work well. Caring for mental health and wellness is a crucial part of one’s general health that helps with effective decision-making, building relationships, and contributing to one’s community. 

Learning about good mental health

An individual’s mental health influences their thinking, emotions, and behavior in day-to-day life. Along with this, mental health also affects how one recovers from problems in life and overcomes challenges. So, being emotionally or mentally healthy goes beyond not having anxiety or other health conditions. In fact, a person is considered mentally healthy if they have some of these positive characteristics- 

  • A persistent sense of contentment
  • Enthusiasm for living 
  • Easily able to laugh and have fun
  • Able to manage stress and bounce back from hardships
  • Finding a sense of purpose and meaning in interpersonal relationships and daily activities 
  • Able to adapt to change and learn new things
  • Capable of balancing work and rest
  • Ability to build and maintain fulfilling relationships
  • Having self-confidence and high self-esteem

Ways to practice mental wellness

Whether one is learning to manage a mental health problem, cope with one’s emotions better, or want to feel more energetic and positive, there are several ways to practice mental wellness. 

  • Building resilience- According to experts, building resilience enables individuals to bounce back quickly from challenging situations. Resilience involves learning healthy coping mechanisms and knowing how to seek support from resources in one’s community during problems.
  • Lower stress– Feeling stressed is a normal reaction. It gives a rush of energy and high alertness that helps the brain to cope with stressful situations. However, if an individual feels stressed for a long period, they go through chronic stress.  In such cases, periods of high energy and alertness start to harm the body instead of helping it. Besides this, cortisol levels will also increase in the body, leading to various health problems. So, it is important to learn effective and healthy strategies to manage and cope with stress for better mental wellness. 
  • Get good sleep – Demands of busy professional schedules often lead to many people compromising sleep. However, lack of sleep can directly affect one’s physical and emotional health. A proper sleep schedule ensures one gets enough rest, which is crucial for general well-being. Moreover, when one is tired, it is difficult to function well. Good sleep allows people to think clearly, focus better, and have quicker reflexes. So, ensuring one gets proper sleep regularly is important in maintaining one’s mental health and optimizing productivity.
  • Make stronger social connections – Establishing strong and deep social connections has been proven to benefit physical and mental health and protect people against health conditions. Studies show that people who maintain a strong support system involving loved ones, colleagues, and other community members tend to show better resilience and coping mechanisms when facing challenging situations. Such social connections positively contribute to better mental wellness. 
  • Practicing mindfulness – Mindfulness involves being completely present in the moment. It demands people be aware of what is happening in their surroundings while staying focused on their thoughts at any given moment. Meditation, daily walks, and deep breathing techniques are some strategies that help people practice mindfulness.
  • Learning to cope with loss – Dealing with losses is an important aspect of life – whether it is a job loss, a relationship breakdown, or more. Such instances can impact one’s emotional well-being, but there is no right or wrong way to deal with the loss. One can seek the support of one’s family, friends, the community, or even professionals in navigating such situations. It is crucial to be aware of healthy coping strategies to help one overcome such difficult times. Engaging in activities like exercise or hobbies can help eliminate the effects of stress associated with loss.

Managing mental health

Sometimes, even after making consistent efforts to improve one’s mental health, it can still be hard to function well at work and at home. It starts to affect one’s productivity and social relationships. In such situations, it is advised to seek professional help through mental health counseling or therapy. While following self-help strategies might be beneficial to some extent, taking input from a professional working in mental health services usually motivates a person to take better care of their emotional health. Investing in mental health care supports personal growth and also contributes to a more fulfilling and balanced life.