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Invisible teeth aligners – Types, costs, and more

Invisible teeth aligners – Types, costs, and more

Invisible teeth aligners have become a highly popular option for teeth straightening and correction. This is mainly due to their clear or “invisible” appearance, which makes them less noticeable than traditional braces. Additionally, these clear aligners are more convenient to use, as they can be removed when necessary. If one’s looking to get these aligners for their treatment, one can follow simple steps to choose the best option according to one’s needs.

Difference between braces and teeth aligners
If one’s planning on getting invisible teeth aligners, one must first familiarize themselves with the difference between aligners and braces. This is because, along with invisible teeth aligners, there are also a couple of types of invisible braces that one can opt for. Knowing the difference between the two can help avoid misconceptions and confusion.

Braces are mainly made of metal or porcelain. The main feature distinguishing them from aligners is that they are attached to the teeth and can not be removed by the individual wearing them. Also, braces comprise a metal wire that keeps them bound to the teeth.

There are two types of invisible braces: ceramic braces and lingual braces.

 – Ceramic braces
These braces use transparent material instead of metal, which gives a clear appearance.

 – Lingual braces
These braces are just like traditional braces but are positioned behind the teeth instead of the front. Since they are not visible, they are also considered invisible braces.

Teeth aligners
Teeth aligners are different from braces. They are essentially plastic trays made in the shape of an individual’s teeth. Unlike braces, aligners are not attached to the teeth, and those wearing them can remove them at their convenience. Clear aligners, which are made with transparent plastic, are commonly called invisible teeth aligners.

So, before choosing either of these orthodontic treatment options, one should be clear about the difference between invisible braces and teeth aligners.

Tips for choosing the right invisible teeth aligners

Determine the requirements
Before proceeding to choose clear aligners for their teeth, it is important to understand the requirements. One must determine whether one needs the aligners to correct minor issues like closing gaps or aligning a few teeth or if one requires them for more complex issues like overbite. This is because invisible teeth aligners are tailored to specific needsand they come in different shapes, sizes, and materials to solve particular dental problems. The best way to understand the requirements is to consult a dentist. The medical professional would be able to take dental scans and guide one better to make the right decision. 

Do some basic research
After consulting a dentist, one should conduct some basic research to find out about some of the top, most popular brands that provide invisible aligners. One can also find out if there are any insurance options that cover this dental procedure. It can also help to talk to friends and family members who have had clear teeth aligners in the past for recommendations or testimonials. They can guide one through the rest of the process and offer any tips to save money. 

Compare different brands
A part of one’s research should also be to compare the top brands to find out if they provide FDA-approved products. It is also important to check which dentists and other medical professionals are associated with the brand and conduct research on them. This can ensure that the dentists associated with the brand are board-certified and have valid credentials. Besides this, it is also advisable for individuals to check the customer ratings and reviews of the brands on the internet before choosing one. These reviews provide clear insights into the brand’s value and how it treats its customers after service.

Learn the treatment process
Before deciding to proceed with clear aligners, one must have a good understanding of the entire treatment process. Wearing the aligners alone may not be enough to achieve the desired results. Frequent visits to the orthodontist for checkups may be necessary to understand and monitor the progress of the treatment. Additionally, as the teeth shift and improve, switching to a new set of aligners may be necessary to continue the process toward the desired outcome.

Know the costs
Invisible teeth aligners cost significantly more than traditional braces, especially if one opts for a popular brand. Approximately clear aligners cost anywhere between $2000 and $10,000 across the country. So before proceeding with this treatment, it is important to factor in all the costs and compare them.