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Foods to eat and avoid for managing colitis

Foods to eat and avoid for managing colitis

Colitis refers to inflammation of the colon, which often causes uncomfortable symptoms like abdominal pain and diarrhea. The discomfort could be mild, recurring, and can last for a long period or be severe and appear suddenly. However, these symptoms can be managed with timely treatment and certain lifestyle changes, including food-based modifications. So, here is a look at some of the best foods for managing colitis and those that should be avoided:

Best foods
The ideal foods for colitis would have anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe the discomfort. Here are the best foods to consider:

Oats: Oats are rich in soluble fiber, which forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract. This can help regulate bowel movements and reduce diarrhea, a common symptom of colitis. During remission periods, such fiber-rich foods are considered safe. 

White rice: White rice is low in fiber and easy to digest. It helps bulk up stools, which can be helpful during flare-ups when frequent bowel movements are common.

Bananas: Bananas are a great source of potassium, which can be lost when dealing with diarrhea. The fruit is also gentle on the stomach and less likely to cause irritation.

Applesauce: Applesauce provides vitamins and fiber without the irritants found in whole apples. So it is easy to digest and can be soothing for the digestive tract.

Boiled eggs: Eggs are a good source of protein and essential nutrients. Boiled eggs are usually well-tolerated by those with colitis and can help meet their protein needs.

Cooked carrots: Cooked carrots are soft and easy to digest. They provide vitamins and fiber and are gentle on the digestive system.

Mashed potatoes: Mashed potatoes can provide comfort during flare-ups. Here, one should avoid adding butter or cream to the potatoes as dairy products can be irritants.

Lean protein: Skinless poultry, fish, and tofu are lean protein sources that are less likely to cause digestive discomfort. Further, protein is essential for healing and maintaining overall health.

Yogurt: Yogurt contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that can promote gut health. Probiotics may help reduce inflammation and improve symptoms of colitis, making yogurt one of the best foods to have when dealing with the condition.

Herbal teas: Chamomile and ginger teas are known for their soothing properties. They can help relax the digestive tract, reduce inflammation, and alleviate symptoms like abdominal pain.

While these foods are generally considered suitable for dealing with colitis, individual tolerances may vary. So, one may have specific triggers or intolerances, making it essential to pay attention to how the body responds to different foods. Further, one should work with a healthcare provider or registered nutritionist to create a personalized food plan that meets their nutritional needs and minimizes symptoms.

Foods to avoid
While managing colitis, identifying and limiting foods that can worsen symptoms or trigger flare-ups is as important as choosing the right foods. Here are a few foods to consider avoiding:

High-fiber foods: While fiber is beneficial for many digestive issues, it can be harsh on the colon during colitis flare-ups. So, one should avoid whole grains, nuts, seeds, and raw fruits and vegetables.

Dairy products: Dairy can be a trigger for some people with colitis, as it may worsen diarrhea and gas. Here, one can consider dairy alternatives like lactose-free or plant-based milk products.

Spicy foods: Spices and spicy foods can irritate the digestive tract and cause discomfort, making it important to limit or avoid them during a flare-up.

High-fat foods: Greasy, fried, or fatty foods may be harder to digest and can lead to diarrhea and cramping. So, one should instead opt for lean protein sources and healthy fats in moderation.

Carbonated beverages: Carbonation can contribute to gas and bloating. So, when dealing with colitis, one should choose non-carbonated drinks like water, herbal tea, and diluted fruit juices.

Caffeine: Caffeine can be dehydrating and may irritate the gut, making it one of the foods to avoid during a flare-up.

Processed and sugary foods: Highly processed foods and excessive sugar can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria. So, one should avoid sugary snacks, candy, and foods with artificial sweeteners.

Gluten-based foods: For some, gluten can worsen colitis symptoms. Here, they can consider gluten-free grains like rice, quinoa, and oats.

Red meat: Red meat can be harder to digest and may lead to increased inflammation. So, one should choose lean cuts of poultry or fish as alternatives.

Artificial sweeteners: Sorbitol and mannitol, common artificial sweeteners, can lead to diarrhea in some cases. So, one should check food labels to avoid products with these ingredients.

A well-balanced meal plan plays a crucial role in managing colitis and promoting overall digestive health. By incorporating the best foods and avoiding triggers, those with colitis can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of flare-ups. However, seeking professional healthcare guidance is a key step in disease management.