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Essential tree services and tips to choose a provider

Essential tree services and tips to choose a provider

In a world of deforestation and air pollution, planting a tree can literally save a life. A green environment can provide numerous benefits to humans, such as healthier lungs and the prevention of floods. Gardening can be a highly rewarding activity; however, it requires commitment and optimal plant maintenance. Tree service companies offer services like tree planting, removal, trimming, and maintenance to ensure optimal growth of trees. Here are some types of tree services to know about:

This essential tree service involves plucking out withered or overgrown branches from trees. This practice ensures the growth of new branches and leaves and a healthier tree overall. Most mature trees should be pruned once every four years on average.

Mulching is intended to retain soil moisture and prevent weeds from growing around the tree. Mulching the area underneath the plant helps with denser plant growth and should be carried out annually.

Spraying a natural fertilizer on trees frequently helps keep away pests and insects while reducing their exposure to harmful chemicals. The frequency of fertilizing trees depends on the type of tree one is growing. For example, oak trees typically require fertilization once a year. Maple trees should be fertilized if the growth of the tree is less than two inches or if the soil needs to be replenished.

Tree removal
Sometimes, cutting a tree may become a necessity despite all the care taken to ensure its good health. Tree service companies also offer this service to facilitate quick and hassle-free uprooting and disposal of these trees.

Other secondary services
Some other secondary services performed by tree service companies include stump grinding, i.e., removal of tree stumps after a tree is felled, and composting.

Tips for choosing a tree service
1. Avoid compromising on price for services and vice versa
Some tree service companies may offer the entire gamut of tree services but at rather high prices. In contrast, some others may be affordable but with much fewer services. Hence, it is important to check out the price ranges of different tree service companies vis-a-vis the features they offer and select the one that perfectly integrates both these factors.

2. Verify the company’s certification and credibility
It is important to hire tree service companies that are certified in their field and have hands-on experience with such tasks. Online reviews may help one understand the company’s credibility and expertise. One should also consult family members, friends, neighbors, etc., for suggestions on reliable tree service providers before zeroing in on a company.

3. Check their safety policies
Tree services often involve tasks such as felling of trees and stump grinding, which can lead to mishaps if not performed carefully. Hence, it is important to check the safety policies of tree companies, ensuring that the staff members follow the necessary safety measures while providing tree services.

4. Inquire about the company’s insurance policy
Tree owners are entitled to insurance in case of any injury to the owners or damage to the tree or one’s belongings while providing a service. Hence, it is important to inquire about a company’s insurance policy and compare the policies of different companies before arriving at a final decision.

5. Ask specific questions
It always helps to inquire about a company’s policies, core experience, employee training practices, etc., during the hiring process. Such questions not only help understand the company’s proficiency and experience but also its genuineness and willingness to provide superior-quality services.

6. Take the price quotes in writing
This step is particularly important because tree service companies should not backtrack on their initially agreed-upon prices at a later stage. Taking the price quotes in writing can help ensure that the company sticks to the prices finalized earlier.

7. Inquire about the equipment and products used
Using safe and good-quality equipment and products is essential to ensure the tree’s well-being and overall environmental safety. For example, using natural fertilizers is important to prevent the plant’s exposure to harmful chemicals. Hence, tree owners should inquire about the quality of products and equipment used by the company and check these brands online before finalizing a tree service company.

8. Ask about the measures taken to minimize or eliminate damage
Damage to the environment or area around the tree can increase expenses considerably and spoil the esthetics of one’s yard or lawn. Even if the company offers insurance for such damage, prevention is better than cure or remedies at a later stage. Thus, tree owners should inquire beforehand about the measures a company takes to minimize or prevent such damage. For example, using plywood is a good idea to protect one’s lawn from damage.